Spurgeon's Verse Exposition Of Romans: The Reformed Commentary Collection

Barnes & Noble Press
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Romans, the letter written by the apostle Paul is an outline of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its purest form. Paul was writing to Christians living in a city that was the centre of the world in those days. It was the seat of government, culture and power. The Church to which Paul wrote had never met the apostle but there can be no doubt they had heard of him and knew of his importance in teaching the Christians of the day. They were young in their faith and needed Paul's teaching to build them up, educate them and give them a message from God to help them in their trying circumstances of living and worshipping in Rome. Scripture is God breathed and we read Romans with the desire that God would speak to us, challenge us and encourage us in our daily walk with Him. It is helpful to have the works of those who have gone before us in opening the Epistle to the Romans. Haldane's work is of great assistance to us today and we can benefit greatly from his insight, diligence and his delight at sharing what the Bible says. This short commentary is of great use to those preparing to preach and those who are devotedly reading the Scripture for their own edification. THE REFROMED COMMENTARY COLLECTION is a new release of much loved and oft used commentaries. Each commentary is beautifully formatted with every verse given an uncluttered presentation for ease of reference and use. We have taken great care to provide you with each individual commentary as it was intended and written by the original author. Our commentaries are equipped with the very best active tables of contents that drill down from the main contents page to the individual Bible book, to the author, to the Bible book chapter and then to the very verse you are looking to study. These tables of contents have been designed for ease of use and to get you to the exact verse you are looking at. In this volume we give you Charles H. Spurgeon's verse exposition of Paul's Epistle to the Romans.

  • | Author: Charles H. Spurgeon
  • | Publisher: Barnes & Noble Press
  • | Publication Date: August 29, 2017
  • | Number of Pages: 414 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1538032627
  • | ISBN-13: 9781538032626
Charles H. Spurgeon
Barnes & Noble Press
Publication Date:
August 29, 2017
Number of pages:
414 pages