Living Beneath: A Journey To Remember Between A Daughter And Her Mother

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Imagine that one of your immediate family members has been given the life-changing diagnosis of dementia. This person may or may not have business affairs planned and secured, or may be living in a very stressful environment or family dynamic. If you, or someone that you know has been in this situation, then this story could help. Living Beneath is a story of a daughter and her mother's journey in learning how to fight and deal with dementia through love, understanding, compassion and yes-humorous moments. First, a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia. Then what? Do they have a will and if so, where is it located? Are they trying to develop better habits and take their medicines? Unfortunately, in many cases family members are left with the monumental tasks of investigation and discovery instead of clear instruction and guidance. Aging and eventual death is inevitable. Yet, critical communication becomes almost nonexistent. Believe it or not, there are still many families in so many communities who allow life to go by for years and won't do anything until it is too late. If you or your loved one find it difficult to have truthful conversations about living with this prevalent disease, then allow this book to show how this mother and daughter are living with it-one day at a time. Living Beneath is designed to help you: - Identify the need for help and resources for the patient and the caregiver - Learn from mistakes so you don't repeat them with your children - Find the humor in everything so that you won't become overwhelmed by the circumstances - Communicate, communicate, communicate so that expectations are known and understood - Examine business affairs so that you can properly prepare - The significance of a person's quality of life to ensure they are comfortable during their critical moments ...and so much more... These stories can be used in different venues for discussion or conversation starters between family members or friends. No one should be Living Beneath love and dignity.

  • | Author: Sonya Franklin Burney, Sonya Franklin Burney Ed D
  • | Publisher: Sonya Franklin Burney
  • | Publication Date: Jul 07, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 98 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 0578470535
  • | ISBN-13: 9780578470535
Sonya Franklin Burney, Sonya Franklin Burney Ed D
Sonya Franklin Burney
Publication Date:
Jul 07, 2019
Number of pages:
98 pages