
Time To Really Live Free

Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
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I thought and believed, for most of my Christian walk, I was living "free in Christ." Until one day, for the umpteenth time, God asked me to read about the adulterous woman thrown at his feet. Have you ever wondered how in the world Jesus could tell the adulterous woman to "go and sin no more"? I have, for years, because my life did not line up with what he was telling her to do. I still "sinned," which led me to beat myself up and not love parts of myself. What I had learned and been taught in the church was not working anymore...I was tired. I was exhausted from trying so hard to perform for God, others, and myself. God was getting ready to change my "core beliefs" from what I had learned for years in the church as "truth" to "his truth." I never thought the answer to my question would come at such a price nor take four years of unwinding my core beliefs and writing a book to get there. The answer did come though and is inside this book. I am so excited to share part of the road I traveled, which led me to the answer. Some of this book will be "AHA!" moments for you or you might find yourself saying, "I always believed this within myself, but couldn't put it into words." God desires and invites us to clearly see him as he sees us and to know him as he knows us (1 Corinthians 13:12). He also wants us to learn who we really are in him. I am hoping through this book, like me, you also will find your freedom in Christ because it is time to really live free.

  • | Author: Darlene Gaston
  • | Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
  • | Publication Date: Nov 11, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 170 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1098014286
  • | ISBN-13: 9781098014285
Darlene Gaston
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
Publication Date:
Nov 11, 2019
Number of pages:
170 pages