You Can Take It With You: Paying Your Way Into God's Higher Kingdom

Inner Light - Global Communications
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YOU CAN EXPERIENCE A RICH AND REWARDING LIFE WHILE HERE ON EARTH AS WELL AS WHEN YOU GET TO THE PLACE WE CALL HEAVEN! YOU CAN BE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN ULTIMATE DESTINY! One of the big misconceptions in life is that you can't take your wealth with you when you die. They say the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, but that death is the great equalizer, because you have to leave your riches behind when its time for you to go, go, go. But even the most holier-than-thou might have to rethink this idiom upon reaching the end of life's pages, just as you will upon reaching the end of this book. For it is a greatly concealed secret by the religious establishment, that you can take it with you over to the other side if you live "properly" before closing death's door behind you. Truth is, the end of the rainbow doesn't have to be at the foot of your final resting place; it can just as easily shine through to that place we most commonly refer to as Heaven. Here are the recipes, the rituals, the little "incantations" and prayers to do on a regular basis that set the record straight and allow you to claim your "rewards" at the Pearly Gate. It won't make any difference if you were a Mitt Romney one-percenter or hung out on the unemployment line most of your life. Its all the same on Heavens "Millionaire Row ." As you will see, your riches are manifold. That which you have made for yourself on this terrestrial planet will determine the perception of what life everlasting will be able to offer you. There is, say the authors, a misplaced mentality among the faithful that says you are better off living an impoverished life, but the truth is that people can learn to love the Lord better when they have the money to pay their bills, meet their needs and fill their coffers. Its the only way you can assist others - and pave the way to a beautiful, expansive, richly rewarding life in the hereafter. This book will direct you in the proper methods to obtain all that you demand from the universe, and to"hold onto it" throughout all of eternity.
  • | Author: Timothy Green Beckley|Maria D'Andrea|Sir L. J. Baldry
  • | Publisher: Inner Light - Global Communications
  • | Publication Date: Dec 24, 2016
  • | Number of Pages: 150 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback/Body, Mind & Spirit
  • | ISBN-10: 1606112333
  • | ISBN-13: 9781606112335
Timothy Green Beckley|Maria D'Andrea|Sir L. J. Baldry
Inner Light - Global Communications
Publication Date:
Dec 24, 2016
Number of pages:
150 pages
Paperback/Body, Mind & Spirit