Daily Dose Of Leadership: From Insight To Influence: Daily Steps To Awareness, Growth, And Leadership Mastery - 9781641849920

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Unlock the power of leadership within you with Daily Dose of Leadership: From Insight to Influence: Daily Steps to Awareness, Growth, and Leadership Mastery. This inspiring guide offers 123 insightful messages, taking you on a transformative journey toward becoming a servant leader.Crafted by a well-known leadership expert, this unique handbook breaks down the journey into three significant phases:?Awareness?Growth?MasteryEach phase represents a stage in your leadership development, offering daily insights and practical exercises designed to shape your leadership skills and mindset.The Awareness phase guides you to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and the dynamics of your team. In the Growth phase, you'll learn how to translate these insights into concrete skills. Finally, the Mastery phase consolidates these skills, empowering you to exercise them intuitively and effectively to increase your influence.Each day's lesson is supplemented by a QR code that takes you to a video providing additional insights, creating an immersive, multimodal learning experience.Daily Dose of Leadership is more than a book; it's a journey of transformation. Each day brings new insights, pushing you towards the goal of leadership mastery. The path to influence isn't easy, but with daily dedication, you will gradually shape yourself into the leader you aspire to be.Embark on this transformative journey today and become the servant leader you were destined to be. The path to mastery awaits-one daily dose at a time.Buy this book today and start transforming into the leader you were destined to be.

  • | Author: Farshad Asl
  • | Publisher: Top Leaders Publishing, Inc.
  • | Publication Date: Jul 13, 2023
  • | Number of Pages: 620 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Hardcover
  • | ISBN-10: 1641849924
  • | ISBN-13: 9781641849920
Farshad Asl
Top Leaders Publishing, Inc.
Publication Date:
Jul 13, 2023
Number of pages:
620 pages