11 Secret Habits Of Successful People: Copy These 11 Quirky Yet Effective And Productive Daily Habits Of Millionaires, Superstar Athletes, And High ... Or Simply Feel More Fulfilled In Life - 9781686674440

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Have You Ever Wondered Why Are You Not Successful? Always dreamed of being an inspiring leader? Life is getting too mundane? Always wanted to be rich but things never worked out? Want a change in your life? The REAL problem is not what is happening on the outside but it is on the inside. You do not have control over your mind even though you think otherwise. 99.99% of our decisions are made based on emotions without even realizing it. Why not... Discover about successful habits? We live so much of our lives in the realm of habit, reacting robotically to situations using hardwired programs that were built into our psyche decades ago by those around us. They might have been well-meaning, but our parents, teachers, and others were all programmed in the same way! It's amazing how much of what we do is governed by the subconscious - by habit. Most of us aren't even aware of all the small things we do automatically that are holding us back and preventing us from reaching our full potential. The problem is that most of us have the wrong habits. While most people go through life robotically, without the habits and behaviors that are necessary to take them to the top, there are those we all admire who are operating in the upper spheres of life. Sure, some people get to the top by sheer luck or by inheriting wealth. But most get there through sheer will, competence, and determination. Unfortunately, blaming external circumstances for our lot in life seems to be something that's becoming more common. You can't control external circumstances, but you can control how you react to them. In other words, they apply habits guaranteed to produce success day in and day out. All the rest of us need to do is learn what these habits are and then apply them. At first, it's going to take some amount of work. When you're reprogramming your behaviors that take place at the level of the subconscious, changing the habits you've had since they were solidified in childhood will not be an easy task. But the more you apply the habits of successful people to your own life, the easier it becomes. Eventually, they will replace the habits you're now using that are holding you back. Attention! Changing habits is NOT for everyone! This book is not for people: -Who doesn't want to take actions in life -Who are not committed for a change -Who doesn't care about themselves anymore If you are ready to learn about successful habits, Scroll Up And Click On The "BUY NOW" Button Now!

  • | Author: Justin a Parker
  • | Publisher: Independently published
  • | Publication Date: Aug 16, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 143 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1686674449
  • | ISBN-13: 9781686674440
Justin a Parker
Independently published
Publication Date:
Aug 16, 2019
Number of pages:
143 pages