The Hustla's Daughter: The Realest One

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James is a hardcore street thug and drug dealer from the streets of Houston Texas and who also has a beautiful daughter that go by the name of Carlish and a beautiful wife name Carlisha. James is a very proud dad and a very good lover to his wife, but all that went away when Carlish mother Carlisha had disappeared and later turned up dead. After that James had become a very protective father of the peace he had left of his wife Carlisha and that's Carlish. After the major tragedy James had move forward with his life by getting into the street life more harder and creating himself a new life. While in the streets James had met back up with his long time friend Don and they both took on the streets of Houston together. James and Don are two damontic hustlers that have one thing in mind and that's to get money. But one day all that came crashing down when Don decided to get revenge by kidnapping James girlfriend and kidnapping his daughter and held them both up for ransom. James took it upon himself to go after his longtime friend who has become his worst nightmare and his worst enemy. With James not in it alone he meets up with a Detective that goes by the name of Ross and they both team up to take on Don and his crew. All hell broke loose in Houston Tx when James wanted revenge on the man that tried to kill his family. Will James be in time to save his family or will his family suffered the same fate as Carlish mother suffered.

  • | Author: Mr. Charles Ray Cotton
  • | Publisher: Independently Published
  • | Publication Date: November 18, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 61 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1708584978
  • | ISBN-13: 9781708584979
Mr. Charles Ray Cotton
Independently Published
Publication Date:
November 18, 2019
Number of pages:
61 pages