In Awe Of It All: Stories And Inspirations From A Spiritual Journey Through Eight Decades Of Life On This Earth - 9781960224590

Proisle Publishing Service
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One cannot make it through eight decades of life without having learned at least one important thing. One thing I have learned is that I love writing. Though I had the desire to compose with words from an early age, it wasn't until the last eleven years that I found the time to begin to put thought and words into some kind of form. I had written plays, lyrics to songs, and tons of letters, but more philosophical things sat unwritten in the deeper recesses of my mind. Then one day I was asked to write something of spiritual encouragement for a monthly church bulletin. That step began the formation of thoughts, feelings, inspirations, and stories from life experiences and energized the bringing forth of all that I had held inside over the years. Adding to that were inspirations from friends, their stories, and a heart opening that allowed me to view all of life at more depth. I have continued those essays and will do so as long as life allows. People have asked me for copies of the essays and have encouraged me to put them between the covers of a book. This has helped me stepped out of my usual routine and into gathering the writings, organizing them, adding my daughter's photography, and, along with my son's support, to share it all in what I have titled In Awe of it All, which I truly am. I hope-somewhere along the reader's path-some of what I share will be meaningful and bring perhaps new perspectives as well as add a smile to their day. That would bring me great joy.

  • | Author: Sherry Dee Lady
  • | Publisher: Proisle Publishing Service
  • | Publication Date: Mar 15, 2023
  • | Number of Pages: 310 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 196022459X
  • | ISBN-13: 9781960224590
Sherry Dee Lady
Proisle Publishing Service
Publication Date:
Mar 15, 2023
Number of pages:
310 pages